
                                                    Schools should NOT have chocolate milk!!!!

Ouch!!! Imagine your kid screaming and crying because they had to get shots for having diabetes.

Schools should not have chocolate milk for several reasons.

  1. The milk has to much sugar in it.Chocolate milk can have more sugar then a can of soda.Although the cows milk all ready has sugar in it,but when they make chocolate milk they add 3O more grams of more sugar to it!!!!
  2. All flavored milk can give health problems such as high cholesterol.Milk can have along term affect on health.It can lead to obesity!!!And can give you diabetes.To end off it can lead off to to much serious causes like diseases and bad enough it can all so lead to cancer.
  3. We shouldnt drink cow milk at all.If we decide to drink any type of milk it should be milk like [low fat milk,almond milk,rice milk or even soy milk] .These are the types of milk we should be drinking.To end cow milk it supposed to be used for calves not for others to be drinking.Lots of animals live off of cow milk,but if us humans keep drinking it all there wont be any more left.Think about it if regular white milk all ready has a bunch of sugar in it then they add 3O more grams of sugar into flavored milk.You might not be able to taste the sugar in the regular milk its their.


There for schools should not have chocolate milk nor regular milk.Its unhealthy.






Schools should keep  serving chocolate milk.It is nutricional and it taste good.So Schools should not take chocolate milk for many reasons.

First of all, many kids only get cahocolate milk at school.Parents dont buy chocolate milk for kids.Schools are taking milk away from us.They say its unhealthy but it is not.

Next,chocolate milk is helthy for us





Dear Readers, 

         I think we should keep chocolate milk in schools, because chocolate milk isn’t haverior than white milk. Chocolate milk is very tasty and nutritious for us, for chocolate milk provides good health and is less than half the added sugar cola has. In “Nutritious and Disguise” it says, ” Chocolate milk helps kids get the 3 daily servings of dairy recommened by Dietary Guidlines for Americans.” This text shows we are still getting our servings even if were not drinking white milk.

  Once chocolate milk is band from schools we wont be drinking milk as much anymore. Ms. Dobbins friend shows that about 9 teaspoons of added sugar. So, sports drinks and sodas have way to much sugar in them a bottle. This makes me think that there’s no reason for chocolate milk to be band from school, when kids drink sodas and sports drinks every day.

  MS. Dobbins says, ” The fact is, that chocolate milk and other flavored milks have the same 9 esstential nutrients.

Say NO to chocolate milk– Azzul


Imagine drinking so much sugar each day.Why should we drink tons of sugar each week when we can have more healthier and  beter drinks that can be good for us instead of causing damage to our own body.

We should not have chocolate milk at schools because it has to much sugar, according to the text “chocolate milk has approxemely 30 grams of sugar” that’s more than a can of soda! So if chocolate milk has to much sugar why are they giving it  students in schools??

Second reason is that plain milk has more vitamins than chocolate milk, according to the text “plain milk also contains vitamins children need such as vitamin D” This supports my claim because it shows that plain milk has the right vitamins children need. People should serve more plain milk because not everyone likes chocolate milk, but plain milk is good for everyone.

Third reason, Although chocolate milk ha”some” vitamins it does not have the right amount that people and kids need. Lots of people drink chocolate milk but do they look at the lable before they buy it or drink it? The answer is NO. Most people don’t even think of reading it before they drink it.

Last reason, Why should we drink chocolate milk that can cause obesity when we can have lots of healthy drinks instead? Acording to the text,” not only can simple sugars contribute to obesity” ” but also to much of it can lead to many health problems such as diabetes”. This supports my claim because not only did it state that it has to much sugar but it also said that it can lead to many health problems.

Some people may say that chocolate milk is good for you and that it has lots of  vitamins, but chocolate milk can lead to too many health problems. So why should we drink something that is bad for us when we can gave many different healthy drinks instead ??


   Chocolate milk. Every one likes it but it is unhealthy. We don’t need people getting sick do to the fact of a drink that has some sugar. think about taking away chocolate milk away from every school in america.  

   Why I think chocolate milk should be taken away from schools because it has to much sugar in one cart. One cart of chocolate has 30 grams of sugar. Jamie Olive says that ”when kids drink chocolate milk or strawberry milk they are getting nearly two gallons of extra sugar each year. Also chocolate milk can cause cancer and disease. When kids are drinking chocolate milk every day then they are gaining 5 pounds(lb) in a year. If they keep gaining weight then it will be easier to have a disease or cancer. Also chocolate milk has high

Chocolate Milk Jorge


You might think that chocate milk should not be served in shools because choclate milk has a lot of suger.I think that students from strive prep should not serve choclate milk.Evipence suggest cow milk alresdy has some suger in it,about 12 grams of suger.And because simple suger car bohydrotes are diges any excess in converted into fat.Experts demonstrate chocolate milk has long been seen as the sponful of suger that makes the medicine go down,but the nations childhood obesity epidemic a growing momber of people wondering whether thats wise.Eight onces of white milk served in los angeles public schools, contains 14 grames of hatural suger or lactose fat fives chocotate milk has an extua six grams of suger for the total of 20 grames, white fat-free strawberry same a eight ounces of cocacola.Chacolate milk is soda in drog said Ann Capery director of


Dear Mr.G,

imagine passing through the lunch line and in five seconds having to chose weather you want the white milk or chocolate milk, which gives you the same amount of sugar, and vitamins. most people would go for white milk while not knowing chocolate has the same amount of everything even if its flavored. I think school should give chocolate milk because of the less amount of sugar, the vitamins added to it, and the 3 servings we can achieve as students. but these are just a few.

First, chocolate milk has less sugar. the text explains ” Ms. Dobbins said, about 3 teaspoons of added much lower than the amount of added sugar ……………………………………… be continued

Should Schools Serve Chocolate???? By: Dania Cervantes


Dear Mr.G

Schools should not serve chocolate milk because we all know that chocolate milk is bad for kids nor people.

First reason they shouldn’t  serve chocolate milk in schools is because chocolate milk is like soda.”Chocolate milk is soda [dressed up]” This quote explains that a lot of kids drink a lot of sugar in their daily life. Kids each year get sick for all that sugar they get each day. This quote supports my thesis because it is the same thing if they are drinking soda.

Second reason schools shouldn’t serve chocolate milk is because chocolate milk is really bad for kids.”One tiny carton of chocolate milk  is approximately 30 grams of sugar.” In other words, kids love chocolate but it has a lot of sugar and they don’t understand is bad.This quote relates with my thesis because kids love chocolate milk and its okay if they drink chocolate milk but its not okay if they drink chocolate milk every day in school.

Third reason why schools shouldn’t serve chocolate milk is because kids who drink chocolate milk each and every day.”They’re getting nearly 2 gallons of extra sugar each year.” This quote explains that kids that drink chocolate milk get a lot of sugar in their bodies each year.This quote explains my thesis because kids get a lot of sugar each year and if kids drink approximately 2 gallons of sugar each year, kids probability is to get sick because their bodies cant gave much sugar.

Some people might think chocolate milk is healthy but i think chocolate milk is not healthy.

Sicerly, Dania Cervantes



             have you ever tasted chocolate milk and said to yourself “this is good” but in reality you are not drinking anything healthy you’re just drinking bad protein it has no good vitamins and according to milk companies 80% of people drink flavored milk everyday and consume more sugar than coke it is said that if you fill a bus load of sugar it represents how much sugar children consume in a single week that’s a lot of sugar for kids in one school lots of school’s have already banned flavored milk its no joke this is really serious especially for children that need the vitamins to grow this is why schools should not serve any flavored milk ever again cause you are hurting yourself with bad vitamins that really you don’t need and wont help you grow the only reason that peolple drink flavored milk is because of its flavor like chocolate strawberry and like vanilla and any other flavors people dont realize how much sugar those kind of milk have it’s incredible that flavored milk has more sugar than soda sport drinks and other drinks it turns children obesse and no good comes out of that no vitamins just sugar and tons of sugar so schools need to stop serving flavored milk for the health of the children if not this country wont be a helthy country with obesse children everywhere because schools did not bannn flavored milk. 

Flavored milk is healthy!!! By :Malka Mejia-Chicago


Dear Mr.G,

   I think schools should not ban chocolate milk.First, chocolate has the nine essensatial nutrients we need.Also,chocolate milk is more appealing and it’s proven that kids that drink chocolate milk are not heavier than non milk drinkers says Ms.Dobbins,a nutritionist for the dairy association.

   Second,kids who drink flavored milk say it tastes better than regular milk.You’ll have to admit that chocolate milk is delicious says Ms.Dobbins.Research says that children who drink flavored milk are healthier.

   Third,kids don’t get sugar or fat.There is also three daily servings.Kids in the lunch line prefer flavored milk than white milk.According to the text,the only time kids drink white milk is when they are eating cereal,oreos,or bread.

   In conclusion,cafeterias shouldn’t ban chocolate milk.According to the information chocolate milk is healthy for you says Ms.Dobbins.People might say that chocolate milk isn’t healthy but there are drinks that have more sugar.For example soda has more sugar and less vitamins. Others might say soda is better than milk.